"Discovering the Magic of HTML: A Beginner's Journey"

"Discovering the Magic of HTML: A Beginner's Journey"

My First Day Learning HTML!

Hey friends,

Today was my first day learning about something really cool called HTML! It's a special language that helps us create awesome stuff on the computer, like web pages that we see on the internet.

Let me tell you a bit about what I learned today:

  • HTML: It stands for "HyperText Markup Language." It's like using secret codes to tell the computer how to display things on a webpage.

  • Tags: In HTML, we use special codes called "tags" to create different parts of a webpage. For example:

    • <h1>: This tag makes a big heading at the top of the page.

    • <p>: This tag creates paragraphs of text.

    • <img>: With this tag, we can add cool pictures to our webpage!

  • Making My First Webpage: My teacher showed us how to write our very first webpage. I made a title that said "Hello, World!" and added a picture of my favorite animal.

  • Exploring Together: We had so much fun exploring different tags and seeing how they change our webpage. I learned that we can also make text bold (<strong>) or italic (<em>)!

Example of HTML: Imagine we want to create a simple webpage that says "Hello, World!" . Here's how we can do it using HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My First Webpage</title>
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
    <p>Welcome to my webpage.</p>

I'm so excited to keep learning more about HTML and make even cooler web pages. Maybe one day I can even make a webpage about my favorite games or stories!